2020 Reflections
This Solstice energy...it feels like hope, like endless possibilities. It's a potent feeling as we close out 2020. This past year, I found myself settling into the present moment more than ever before. I found comfort in the collective optimism of such a dread-provoking moment in human history. The creative brain knows how to transform and adapt, almost minute by minute. We're all tapping into something very important, very powerful within ourselves, and I won't let that go unnoticed.
Every single decision (and we make thousands each day) is an opportunity to move in a new direction. With each breath is the opportunity to choose the stagnant air behind us or the fresh air in front of us. We hold onto stagnant air because it pseudo-protects us from free-falling into an idea around which we do not have proof of safety. That stagnant air becomes our personalities, then our communities, then our identities. I choose to breathe new air.
Now and moving into 2021, I choose to believe that the answers live in what brings me the most joy. I believe that peace begins with me, and peace within me comes from rejecting the "shoulds" and embracing my "wants." When I should do something, it's a feeling coming from outside of me. When I want to do something, it's a feeling that lives within me. Could it be that simple? Yes. I choose to believe that joy and satisfaction come to me easily.
This year made it starkly clear that we're being forced to find new ways of cultivating community, wealth, and the spaces we inhabit, both physically and mentally. We create our reality, and no longer through force. The Aquarian Age is the age of experience, of inner knowings, of each being their own teacher. We are moving out of top-down power structures. This time is so exciting to me because I thrive in that space between art and business, feminine and masculine, in letting the process birth answers instead of using facts to build something. This way of walking through the world takes an incredible amount of blind faith for some and is incredibly freeing for others. As we welcome the Solstice and approach a brand new year, I'm realizing how not alone I am in thinking this way. I choose to see the gifts that 2020 brought.
Love & thank you.
Happy Solstice.
x Michelle